
Lauren Hutton

Lauren Hutton (born November 17, 1943) is an American model and actress. She is best-known for her starring roles in the movies American Gigolo and Lassiter, and also for her fashion modeling career. Born : 17th-Nov-1943

Movie Credits

American Gigolo

Julian makes a lucrative living as an escort to older women in the Los Angeles area. He begins a relationship with Michelle, a local politician's wife, without expecting any pay. One of his clients is murdered and Detective Sunday begins pumping him for details on his different clients, something he is reluctant to do considering the nature of his work. Julian begins to suspect he's being framed. Meanwhile Michelle begins to fall in love with him.
Released : 8th-Feb-1980

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My Father the Hero

A teenage girl on vacation in the Bahamas with her divorced father tries to impress a potential boyfriend by saying that her father is actually her lover. Remake of the 1991 French film Mon père, ce héros.
Released : 4th-Feb-1994

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Shane, a Jersey boy with big dreams, crosses the river in hopes of finding a more exciting life at Studio 54. When Steve Rubell, the mastermind behind the infamous disco, plucks Shane from the sea of faces clamoring to get inside his club, Shane not only gets his foot in the door, but lands a coveted job behind the bar – and a front-row seat at the most legendary party on the planet.
Released : 28th-Aug-1998

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After his release from prison, notorious ex-con and moonshine distiller Gator McKlusky moves in with his father in a cabin in the Okefenokee Swamp. His bootlegging plans are cut short, however, when a federal agent tells McKlusky that he will lose custody of his 9-year-old daughter unless he helps bring down local crime lord Bama McCall. McKlusky enlists the help of reporter Aggie Maybank and a few local eccentrics to bring down McCall's empire.
Released : 25th-Aug-1976

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Someone's Watching Me!

A young woman moves to a high-rise apartment building and soon begins to be tormented by an unknown stalker who seems to know her every move.
Released : 29th-Nov-1978

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Erstwhile C.I.A. assassin Richard Malone hopes for a tranquil retirement in the placid Pacific Northwest, but what he gets is a rumble with a right-wing extremist plotting a secret revolution.
Released : 1st-May-1987

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The Joneses

A seemingly perfect family moves into a suburban neighborhood, but when it comes to the truth as to why they're living there, they don't exactly come clean with their neighbors.
Released : 16th-Apr-2010

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Starflight: The Plane That Couldn't Land

Starflight One, a commercial aircraft that can whisk passengers around the globe in a matter of hours, embarks on its maiden voyage. The trip goes horribly awry, however, when the aircraft is forced out of the atmosphere and into outer space. As it is too dangerous to attempt reentry, Captain Cody Briggs, his passengers and his crew brave declining levels of oxygen while NASA scientists scramble to launch a rescue mission in a race against time.
Released : 27th-Feb-1983

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Little Fauss and Big Halsy

The friendship between two Arizona dirt bike racers is tested when they both lust for an attractive runaway young woman who joins them on the racing circuit.
Released : 21st-Oct-1970

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The Gambler

New York City English professor Axel Freed outwardly seems like an upstanding citizen. But privately Freed is in the clutches of a severe gambling addiction that threatens to destroy him.
Released : 2nd-Oct-1974

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Set amid the European community in an unspecified North African country, a colony on the verge of nationalism just before the war. And colonized is what happens to a French diplomat, Julien Rochelle, when he meets the mysterious beauty Clothilde de Watteville. Schmid 's favorite axiom, that love is projection, never had such a thorough airing. Is Clothilde really the wife of a French official now holed up in Siberia? Or is she Hecate, goddess of black magic and devourer of the Arab boys she meets far from the European quarter? Only our projections know for sure; for the rest, she is a "woman looking out into the night." Drawn from a novel by Paul Morand, who based the main character on his wife Helene, Schmid's film achieves an atmosphere of magic in which psychological credibility is not so much absent as irrelevant-a film that distances itself from the drama it invokes, perhaps as the elusive Clothilde turns her back on the madness she provokes.
Released : 22nd-Oct-1982

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A Wedding

Muffin's wedding to Dino Corelli is to be a big affair. Except the ageing priest isn't too sure of the ceremony, only the families actually turn up as the Corelli Italian connection is suspect, security guards watch the gifts rather over-zealously, and Dino's grandma expires in bed just as the reception starts. Could be quite an occasion.
Released : 29th-Aug-1978

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A woman becomes entangled in the conspiracy of two world governments to assassinate an international leader in New York.
Released : 14th-Jan-2000

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Once Bitten

Mark wants to lose his virginity, but his girlfriend wants to wait. Unfortunately for both of them, a 400-year-old vampire Countess needs to turn a virgin into a vampire before Halloween in order to preserve her own youthful appearance, and when she finds Mark, she turns his life upside-down.
Released : 15th-Nov-1985

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History professor Scott McKenzie makes an anachronistic discovery in a photograph from the Old West and he is soon joined by beautiful time-traveler Georgia in a time-skipping adventure to stop her colleague from the future from erasing her from existence.
Released : 10th-Mar-1987

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Zorro, The Gay Blade

George Hamilton stars in a dueling dual role as twin sons of the legendary Zorro. Soon after the dashing Don Diego Vega inherits his father's famous sword and costume, a broken ankle prevents the masked avenger from fulfilling his heroic duties. When his flamboyantly fashion-conscious brother assumes the secret identity to continue an ongoing fight for justice, the results are nothing short of hilarious!
Released : 17th-Jul-1981

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Psychic Ally Sheedy helps police solve murders by mentally linking with the murderer. Then she discovers a murderer with the same talent - who wants to share the fear of his victims with her!
Released : 15th-Jul-1990

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Viva Knievel!

The legendary stuntman plans his most incredible stunt yet while battling the mob in this action-adventure.
Released : 10th-Jun-1977

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Scotland Yard and the FBI force a thief and his girlfriend to steal Nazi diamonds from a German countess.
Released : 17th-Feb-1984

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Pieces of Dreams

A young priest questions his faith after he falls in love with a social worker.
Released : 23rd-Sep-1970

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My Name Is Rocco Papaleo

Rocco Papaleo, an optimistic and kind man from a mining town in Alaska, gets away from his company during a trip to Chicago and is increasingly disillusioned in the face of the city's hostility.
Released : 29th-Oct-1971

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The Return of Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer

After two attempts to kidnap a little girl Mike Hammer is hired to protect her.
Released : 18th-Apr-1986

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Welcome to L.A.

The lives of a group of Hollywood neurotics intersect over the Christmas holidays. Foremost among them, a songwriter visits Los Angeles to work on a singer's album. The gig, unbeknownst to him, is being bankrolled by his estranged father, a dairy magnate, who hopes to reunite with his son. When the songwriter meets an eccentric housewife who fancies herself a modern-day Garbo, his world of illusions comes crashing down.
Released : 12th-Nov-1976

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Just a Little Harmless Sex

A young married couple faces a serious break-up when the husband is caught committing adultery with a prostitute.
Released : 11th-Jun-1999

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A Rat's Tale

Monty is a young cute rat in a rat world living beneath the streeets of Manhattan. When exterminator Dollart gets a new lethal spray to kill all the rodents, Monty, his friend Isabella and Jean-Paul Canalligator have to travel to magic land to make things right.
Released : 27th-Mar-1997

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Guilty As Charged

Rod Steiger stars as a vigilante who with the aid of his helper, Isaac Hayes, captures men who he considers evil and executes them in his homemade electric chair.
Released : 19th-Apr-1991

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Forbidden Sun

Olympic gymnastics coach Francine Lake and her twelve gorgeous students train on the Island of Crete. The rigors of training preclude most sexual activity with the locals, thus the girls spend their evenings in quiet frustration.
Released : 1st-Jul-1988

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Loser Love

A young woman decides to get even with her abusive boyfriend.
Released : 1st-Jan-1999

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Missing Pieces

As sole heir to a relative's estate, Wendel is surprised to learn that the only thing he's been left is a riddle. However, he and his musician friend, Lou, are soon thrust into a comic chase, as an assortment of unsavoury characters, underworld figures, and even private investigators, are after them for the inheritance - and they don't know what it is!
Released : 28th-Mar-1992

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Walking Stories

Delicate and slightly surreal, “Walking Stories” is a romantic comedy directed by Luca Guadagnino.
Released : 11th-Jan-2013

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Steve Martin's Best Show Ever

Steve Martin's fourth NBC special was in the spirit of his previous association with Saturday Night Live. It was broadcast live from Studio 8H, produced by Lorne Michaels and featured some original cast members of the show.
Released : 25th-Nov-1981

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A single man searches for a woman who will bear his baby with no strings attached.
Released : 2nd-Oct-1981

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Scandal Sheet

The publisher of a celebrity gossip tabloid sets out to destroy an aging actor, whose career is foundering and who is also facing a battle with alcoholism.
Released : 21st-Jan-1985

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Run for Your Life

Major Charles Forsythe is a Vietnam veteran U.S. Army officer stationed near Rome. He is a brutal, if effective, commander who was "fragged" by his own men in Vietnam. When he is denied promotion because of the number of men injured during his training exercises, he takes out his anger by beating his pregnant wife Sarah. She miscarries. On her release from the hospital, Sarah is determined to get back into shape and begins running. She meets Alan Morani a former Olympic runner who is a paraplegic as the result of a car accident. Morani offers to coach Sarah to run in the Rome marathon, a race which her husband has won two years in a row. Sarah realizes that winning the race is the best way to avenge the death of her baby and destroy her husband's ego.
Released : 1st-Jan-1988

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A pack of money-grabbing relatives try to take over his ailing uncle's industrial empire.
Released : 1st-Feb-1991

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We the Jury

Jury has to decide on a murder case but some of the jurors have their own agendas or are biased. Sounds like '12 Angry Men' but this is not a remake. It's a totally fresh take on the theme. Totally different case, for example. There is no question about the identity of the culprit, the jury has to decide between manslaughter and murder. - Written by Holger Hellmuth [email protected]
Released : 16th-Oct-1996

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Paper Lion

Sportswriter George Plimpton poses as a rookie quarterback for the Detroit Lions for a "Sports Illustrated" article.
Released : 23rd-Oct-1968

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Perfect People

After many years of marriage Ken and Barbara decide to change their way of living radically. In order to become more attractive they submit themselves not only under modern diets and physical education but also try plastic surgery.
Released : 29th-Feb-1988

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All Fired Up

Victor Valance, an absent father and gambler, works with shady casino operations abroad. When he returns to Paris in need of money, he plans to take advantage that Pauline, his eldest daughter now fully responsible for the whole family, has begun to work for the Ministry of Finance. Pauline thwarts his new projects but when she realizes gangsters are looking for Victor she will put her life at risk to help him and save their family.
Released : 13th-Jan-1982

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Flagrant désir

In the Médoc, a young woman is found drowned. An accident, her influential family of winegrowers maintains. Or rather murder, as the American inspector Morrison suspects. If so, why? What secrets this family keeps?
Released : 11th-Jun-1986

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The Venice Project

Roland is an avant-garde artist in Venice, California whose sister lives on their family's estate in Venice, Italy. Their father is near death and announces that his home and priceless collection of art have been bequeathed to the Italian government.
Released : 9th-Sep-1999

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The Bunny Years

A documentary based on former Playboy Bunny Kathryn Leigh Scott's book of the same name. The book and the documentary feature many interviews with former Bunnies on their experiences of working as cottontails in the Playboy Clubs.
Released : 7th-Dec-1999

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I Feel Pretty

A head injury causes a woman to develop an extraordinary amount of confidence and believe she's drop dead gorgeous.
Released : 19th-Apr-2018

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Burroughs: The Movie

An exploration of Burroughs’ life story, as told by Burroughs himself along with many of his contemporaries, including Allen Ginsberg, Brion Gysin, Francis Bacon, Herbert Huncke, Patti Smith, Terry Southern, and William Burroughs Jr.
Released : 10th-Feb-1984

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Gap-Toothed Women

A charming valentine to women born with a space between their teeth, ranging from lighthearted whimsy to a deeper look at issues like self-esteem and societal attitudes toward standards of beauty. Interviews were conducted with over one hundred women, including model Lauren Hutton and Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.
Released : 17th-Feb-1987

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The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith

The true story of a part Aboriginal man who finds the pressure of adapting to white culture intolerable, and as a result snaps in a violent and horrific manner.
Released : 21st-Jun-1978

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Intimate Portrait: Bette Davis

Margo Channing's famous line, "Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night," characterizes well the actress who played her in All About Eve--the inimitable Bette Davis. In fact, Davis's son comments in Lifetime's Intimate Portrait: Bette Davis that watching Margo Channing is much like watching Bette Davis. Davis's film career spanned six decades, in which she starred in 112 films, receiving 10 Academy Award nominations and 2 Oscars. Yet her life was not always the charmed one of a starlet; from a broken home, herself three times divorced, once widowed, betrayed by her own daughter's scathing biography, Davis found solace in her work, which didn't always come easy for her. When she first approached Hollywood in 1930, the studios didn't know what to do with such an odd beauty. This portrait of the actress covers a lot of ground, and leaves you wanting more.
Released : 26th-Sep-1996

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Diana Vreeland: The Eye Has to Travel

This intimate and loving portrait of the legendary arbiter of fashion, art and culture illustrates the many stages of Vreeland's remarkable life. Born in Paris in 1903, she was to become New York's "Empress of Fashion" and a celebrated Vogue editor.
Released : 21st-Sep-2012

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Institute for Revenge

A sophisticated computer named IFR (the film's title is its nickname) supervises an organization dedicated to correcting wrongs against the defenseless and assigns human operatives to track down the evildoers and bring them to justice non-violently.
Released : 22nd-Jan-1979

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The Cradle Will Fall

Kathy DeMaio checks into the hospital and thinks she sees a body being loaded into the trunk of a car. When the body turns up later and the murderer, Dr. Highley, thinks that DeMaio can identify him, her life is put in jeopardy. Originally made for television and adapted from a novel by Mary Higgins Clark, the interesting twist to this thriller is that several cast members of the daytime soap opera "Guiding Light" play those same roles here.
Released : 24th-May-1983

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Junket Whore

A documentary film that explores the relationship between publicists and journalists in Hollywood.
Released : 12th-Oct-1998

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TV Credits

The View

Self - ABC Daytime's morning chatfest, currently featuring Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, Sara Haines, Alyssa Farah Griffin, and Ana Navarro discussing the most exciting events of the day. Hot topics in the news, the best experts in their field, celebrity interviews and general entertainment are all part of The View.
Released : 11th-Aug-1997

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Fiona McNeil - Hotshot plastic surgeons Dr. Sean McNamara and Dr. Christian Troy experience full-blown midlife crises as they confront career, family and romance problems.
Released : 22nd-Jul-2003

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E! True Hollywood Story

- E! True Hollywood Story is an American documentary series on E! that deals with famous Hollywood celebrities, movies, TV shows and also well-known public figures. Among the topics covered on the program include salacious re-tellings of Hollywood secrets, show-biz scandals, celebrity murders and mysteries, porn-star biographies, and "where-are-they-now?" investigations of former child stars. It frequently features in-depth interviews, actual courtroom footage, and dramatic reenactments. When aired on the E! network, episodes will be updated to reflect the current life or status of the subject.
Released : 21st-Aug-1996

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Central Park West

Linda Fairchild Rush - The glamorous and exciting life for the staff of trendy magazine 'Communique', owned by Allen Rush, "the Darth Vader of publishing".
Released : 13th-Sep-1995

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Intimate Portrait

Self - Intimate Portrait is a biographical television series on the Lifetime Television cable network focusing on different celebrities, which includes interviews with each subject. Among the people profiled were Grace Kelly, Natalie Wood, Carly Simon, Jackie Kennedy, Katharine Hepburn, Carol Burnett, Tanya Tucker, and Marla Maples.
Released : 14th-Nov-1993

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Falcon Crest

Liz McDowell - Falcon Crest is an American primetime television soap opera which aired on the CBS network for nine seasons, from December 4, 1981 to May 17, 1990. A total of 227 episodes were produced. The series revolves around the feuding factions of the wealthy Gioberti/Channing family in the Californian wine industry. Jane Wyman starred as Angela Channing, the tyrannical matriarch of the Falcon Crest Winery, alongside Robert Foxworth as Chase Gioberti, Angela's nephew who returns to Falcon Crest following the death of his father. The series was set in the fictitious Tuscany Valley northeast of San Francisco.
Released : 4th-Dec-1981

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The Tony Danza Show

Self - The Tony Danza Show was a daytime variety talk show that premiered on September 13, 2004 in syndication and was distributed by Buena Vista Television.
Released : 13th-Sep-2004

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The Hitchhiker

Tess - A young hitchhiker introduces characters who are about to experience a frightening and sometimes supernatural incident of some kind in this moody anthology series.
Released : 1st-Nov-1983

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The Rhinemann Exchange

Leslie Jenner Hawkewood - During World War II, an intelligence officer is dispatched by the U.S. government to arrange an exchange in Argentina of industrial diamonds needed by the Germans for a secret gyroscope needed by the Allies.
Released : 10th-Mar-1977

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Saturday Night Live

Self - Host - A late-night live television sketch comedy and variety show created by Lorne Michaels. The show's comedy sketches, which parody contemporary culture and politics, are performed by a large and varying cast of repertory and newer cast members. Each episode is hosted by a celebrity guest, who usually delivers an opening monologue and performs in sketches with the cast, and features performances by a musical guest.
Released : 11th-Oct-1975

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ZZ Bryant - Sins is a 1986 CBS television miniseries starring Joan Collins. An adaptation of the 1982 novel of the same name by Judith Gould, it is the story of a woman who survives the horrors of the Nazi occupation of France and suffers a succession of challenges as she rises in the world of fashion. Produced by New World Television, Collins also served as executive producer with her then-husband Peter Holm, and the mini-series contained 85 costume changes for her role. Carly Simon co-wrote and performed the theme song, "It's Hard to be Tender."
Released : 2nd-Feb-1986

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Die Harald Schmidt Show

Self - The Harald Schmidt Show is a German late night talk show hosted on Sky Deutschland by comedian Harald Schmidt. The show first aired from 5 December 1995 to 23 December 2003 on Sat.1. Schmidt then moved his show to Das Erste as Harald Schmidt and Schmidt & Pocher, but he returned to Sat.1 on 13 September 2011. After cancellation on Sat.1, the show continued on Sky Deutschland in September 2012.
Released : 5th-Dec-1995

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Faerie Tale Theatre

The Lady of Summer - A live-action children's television anthology series retelling popular fairy tales.
Released : 11th-Sep-1982

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Monte Carlo

Evelyn MacIntyre - An American writer on the Riviera courts a Russian singer who is spying on Nazis for revenge.
Released : 9th-Nov-1986

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Tamron Hall

Self - Guest - Former news host and journalist Tamron Hall discusses all things topical and engages those she interviews in thorough meaningful and entertaining conversations.
Released : 9th-Sep-2019

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Blaues Blut

Gerda Minsker -
Released : 9th-Mar-1989

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Project Runway

Self - Guest Judge - Aspiring fashion designers compete for a chance to break into the industry. Each week, a designer is eliminated from the competition after exhibiting their work in front of a judges' panel.
Released : 1st-Dec-2004

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The Mike Douglas Show

Self - The Mike Douglas Show is an American daytime television talk show hosted by Mike Douglas that originally aired only in the Cleveland area during much of its first two years on the air. It then went into syndication in 1963 and remained on television until 1982. It was distributed by Westinghouse Broadcasting and for much of its run, originated from studios of two of the company's TV stations in Cleveland and Philadelphia.
Released : 11th-Dec-1961

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Spécial cinéma

Self -
Released : 25th-Sep-1974

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The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson

Self - The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson is a talk show hosted by Johnny Carson under The Tonight Show franchise from 1962 to 1992. It originally aired during late-night. For its first ten years, Carson's Tonight Show was based in New York City with occasional trips to Burbank, California; in May 1972, the show moved permanently to Burbank, California. In 2002, The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson was ranked #12 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time.
Released : 1st-Oct-1962

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